Today's ship service is to a greater extent than of an idea, rather than a existent recipe. Picky-picky hubby loves the sometime Watergate Salad. I never persuasion of it every bit a salad, exactly that's what they called it: instant pistachio pudding, Cool Whip as well as crushed most shades of childhood!!
I re-discovered the sometime recipe lately as well as remembered that I haven't made it inwards years because Cool Whip at i time gives hubby indigestion, business office of getting older I guess.
I decided to experiment as well as encounter if I could substitute existent whipped cream for the Cool Whip. The lawsuit was delicious as well as much fresher tasting than using the non-dairy topping of yester-year.
Chill for most an threescore minutes approximately (it keeps good as well as doesn't deflate). Makes most four cups of pudding.