Saturday, January 11, 2020

Spring Break

Since it is the real initiative of all solar daytime of saltation (according to the calendar) I decided to accept a lilliputian “spring” interruption together with invite my favorite someone inwards the whole world to invitee post service on SRFD.  Traveling Husband (a/k/a Ed) is a wonderful photographer, teacher, media relations expert, mentor, father, together with married adult man together with non necessarily inwards that order.

He’s taught me every,single lilliputian affair I know well-nigh photography. (I promise that’s a goodness thing!) Each twelvemonth Ed participates inwards a photography contest spanning several days. He attends workshops, rubs elbows amongst famous photographers, together with competes for prizes together with bragging rights. He didn’t win big this twelvemonth but has inwards years past. He did, however, collect some pretty impressive photos spell scouring the DC surface area for his project. Since the beginning of spring signifies rebirth and awakening (like the famous Cherry Blossom trees!), together with something novel together with exciting is on the horizon, I idea we’d alter it upwards together with receive got Ed portion some of his creative handy-work amongst my favorite readers – accept it away Ed!

Wow! Thanks for the real sort words!  I’m real honored to live contributing something to SRFD other than simply my Taste Test Dummy skills.  Not that I’m complaining well-nigh that task … but I digress, equally I frequently do.  Trish–the top dog dearest of my life … asked me to write well-nigh my other love: photography.

Where exercise I begin?   Trish together with I receive got occasionally discussed adding every-so-often posts well-nigh photography.  If this is something that interests you, or if y'all receive got questions or are having some challenges amongst your images, simply permit Trish know what you’d similar to beak well-nigh together with we’ll tackle it.

One of my favorite shooters is Chase Jarvis who says “the best photographic television camera is the 1 y'all receive got amongst you.”  So don’t live intimidated or discouraged if y'all don’t receive got a big pocketbook of fancy schmancy equipment. Just acquire amongst what y'all have.  It’s amazing how frequently serious photographers shoot amongst an iPhone.  In fact Chase has published a majority of iPhone photos, which are amazing.

These initiative of all few frames were shot together with edited on my iPhone, fifty-fifty though I had 1 of Nikon’s top cameras–a D3s–hanging on my shoulder.

Even if your finish is simply to post service something on Facebook that says “I’m shooting photos of the cherry blossoms inwards DC”…. pay attending to the critical elements of a goodness photo: lighting, composition, together with most peculiarly “the moment.”  People are to a greater extent than of import than pixels.

Like most serious shooters I receive got several photograph apps on my iPhone. Among them Photoshop together with Perfect Photo, which I used to edit these frames.  You tin sack crop, tweak exposure together with sharpness, contrast, together with therefore on. And easily drib inwards a custom border. Something that used to accept a long fourth dimension dorsum inwards the darkroom days.

This lady looks similar she wants to boot some bloom butt!  Like belongings a babe causes us to brand goofy faces, belongings a photographic television camera causes us to accept goofy stances.  I’ve set on the ground, hung off catwalks, hung out of helicopters, etc…..all to acquire the photographic television camera into a certainly spot.

One other tip spell I’m thinking of it.  Understand your camera’s basic functions together with how to arrive exercise what y'all desire it to do.  STUDY your owners manual.  Don’t simply skim through it in 1 trial together with therefore lose it.  If y'all receive got whats referred to equally a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex)…know how to gear upwards your ISO, aperture, together with shutter speed, at the real least.  And the to a greater extent than bill of fare diving y'all do, the meliorate your images volition be.  If y'all receive got a point-and-shoot or fifty-fifty simply the photographic television camera on your phone…know equally much equally y'all tin sack about it’s capabilities.

WHY? Because photography is similar anything else.  The meliorate y'all sympathize the fundamentals, the to a greater extent than y'all volition live able to contend your results.  If you’re a goodness golfer y'all tin sack to a greater extent than or less put the ball where y'all desire it to go. Same goes for baseball, softball, fishing, gardening, knitting … whatever.  Don’t simply “spray together with pray”—meaning randomly press the shutter HOPING that y'all miraculously get a decent photo. Instead, sympathize how to exercise the results y'all want.

OK, pathetic to get all lathered up.     I told y'all photography was my passion!  🙂

 Whether y'all receive got all the gear together with gadgets, similar the guy on the left, or simply a tiny indicate together with shoot similar the lady on the right…get out together with receive got fun!  Get upwards close.  Just today, David Hobby wrote on his weblog a quote from Joe McNally:  “It’s non a camera, it’s a visa!”  Meaning “cameras opened upwards doors to novel experiences together with friendships.”     Also cheque out Joe’s weblog when y'all acquire a minute.  To me, Joe is The Man:

 Not every shot is going to live perfect.  Especially when you’re shooting into the sunrise!  After a distich of examination shots similar this I fill-flashed together with came upwards amongst some shots I was pretty happy with.

 A few pre-dawn shots from the Lincoln Memorial–my favorite spot inwards DC.  In fact, 1 of my favorite spots anywhere.  I’ve been at that spot dozens of times at all hours of the solar daytime together with night but this was the initiative of all fourth dimension I’ve always been at that spot alone. Well…that is if y'all don’t count Abe, together with the USA Park Police Officer.

I was joined a few moments afterward past times a immature human being photographer.  We’d simply met for the initiative of all fourth dimension a lilliputian combat before inwards the anteroom of our hotel together with cabbed over to the Monument.  Yet some other illustration of a photographic television camera beingness the catalyst for experiences together with friendships.

 From the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.  In the foreground is the World War ii Memorial.  Then the Washington Monument—which is expected to rest closed for at to the lowest degree some other twelvemonth because of harm caused past times lastly year’s earthquake–and after that the Capitol.  They are non equally closed together equally they seem.  The appearance of them beingness following is known equally “compression” together with is the trial of a long telephoto lens.   We tin sack beak to a greater extent than well-nigh compression inwards afterward posts.

And finally….post-processing—-meaning using a photograph editing programme inwards your computer–allows y'all to edit for maximum impact.  Something else nosotros tin sack beak well-nigh later.

If y'all receive got other photograph topics you’d similar to tackle together….just state so.

Thanks over again Trish for the chance to ramble on.  You mightiness receive got created a blogging monster!  🙂

Thanks Ed for giving me the black off together with for all these lovely photos together with tips. I soundless receive got therefore much to learn!

And thank y'all therefore much to our readers for stopping by! 


