Saturday, January 11, 2020

Photo Tip # Ii – Depth Of Field

Hey it’s Traveling Husband again, alongside a few quick thoughts on how to brand your photography to a greater extent than exciting, together with your images to a greater extent than impressive.

One of the easiest together with most effective ways to give your piece of work to a greater extent than impact is to understand “depth of field” or “depth of focus.”  It exactly agency how much of your photograph is inwards focus. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 picayune or a lot. It’s your decision. 

In the photograph inwards a higher house I wanted the plane to live inwards focus but non the background.  Having an out of focus background, sometimes referred to as “bokeh” puts the attending on the bird.  

If everything inwards the frame were every bit focused the photograph would receive got a lot less impact. 

When nosotros hold off at a photograph our eyes straightaway become to for sure areas. First, nosotros are naturally drawn to the constituent of the photograph that is the brightest, and/or the spot that is inwards focus.  It’s a physiological thing. It’s exactly how our eyes work.  

So if you’re emphasizing a for sure topic, or desire i constituent of your photograph to stand upwards out,  

make that expanse the i that’s inwards focus.  

You mightiness think this shot from Christmas 2010, when Trish together with I went to Chicago to celebrate our 25th anniversary. 

We visited the Christkindlmarket where are lot of handmade items were on sale.  

In the icon above, that flush is improve told through a shallow depth of plain than it would receive got been  if everything inwards the frame were sharp. 

I take away heed person thinking “ok, that’s fine….how practise I brand that happen??”  

FIRST, think this:   YOU are inwards accuse of your camera.  It’s non “the boss of you.”  You say your photographic telly camera what you lot desire your photos to hold off like.  I oft verbalise to people who receive got no catch what their photographic telly camera is capable of.  

To those people, getting a decent photograph is similar going to Vegas hoping to come upwards domicile rich.  Maybe, if all the stars align, I mightiness larn a decent photo….c’mon serpent eyes….baby needs a novel distich of shoes, together with a expert photo!

But it’s a lot easier than you lot mightiness think.  You command your depth of plain past times controlling your camera’s aperture. What’s that?  It’s how widely your lens is open. 

As the nautical chart below indicates, a lower seat out agency a larger opening inwards your lens.  

A larger opening agency a shallower depth of field.   If your lens is laid upwards at 1.4 solely a picayune of the shot volition live inwards focus.  If it is laid upwards at xvi or 22, much to a greater extent than volition live inwards focus. 


The easiest way to practise that is to job your camera’s “aperture priority” setting.  On aperture priority the photographic telly camera helps you lot out past times determining the appropriate shutter speed automatically.  YOU laid upwards the aperture together with the CAMERA sets the shutter speed for you. 


On many cameras it’s a physical seat on the dial.  This is the transcend of my Canon.  The dial is laid upwards to Av, or Aperture Value.  Which agency you lot are telling the photographic telly camera what aperture you lot desire it to use…and to perish on using until you lot say it otherwise.

This detail lens is a 2.8 24 mm–70mm.  You tin come across on the digital display on the correct that the aperture is at nowadays laid upwards to 2.8.

On my Nikon the way is electronic.  The dial on the left does other functions but you lot tin come across from the Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 inwards the readout on the correct that it is inwards Aperture Priority. 

Since SRFD is a nutrient blog, I grabbed or together with then volunteers from the spice cabinet to aid me demonstrate shallow depth of plain vs deep depth of field.   

(Please don’t say Trish I’ve been posting spicy photos on her blog!)

The kickoff icon has a really shallow depth of field. Less than an inch. 


Because I laid upwards the aperture at 1.4.  

Why did I practise that? 

Because I wanted a shallow depth of field.  

As I said earlier…it is upwards to you lot to say your photographic telly camera what to do. 

This photograph is shot alongside an aperture of 1.4 together with a shutter speed of 1/200th of a second. 

This i is shot alongside an aperture of xvi together with a shutter speed of a one-half second.  

See the difference?  Much to a greater extent than of the photograph is inwards focus. A much smaller aperture (smaller pregnant the size of the hole inwards the lens) requires the shutter to live opened upwards longer.    

You mightiness think of it as dipping water.  If you lot are dipping alongside a teaspoon rather than alongside a cup, it takes longer to motion the same sum of water.   

Likewise, a smaller aperture lets less calorie-free through, together with then the shutter has to be open longer to brand upwards the difference, to larn a proper exposure.   

Obviously the photographic telly camera was on a tripod.  Generally speaking, most people tin hand-hold their camera without blur solely downward to close 1/30th of a second, to a greater extent than or less, depending on how steady you lot are. I strongly encourage you lot to larn a expert tripod together with job it.  Once you lot brand it the habit you’ll wonder how you lot ever got past times without it.  

You don’t receive got to pass a ton of coin but don’t larn the cheapest affair out at that spot either. It may live lightweight but it volition likewise live flimsy together with won’t live sturdy plenty to last. Before you lot know it you’ll live buying or together with then other one.  A expert tripod is an investment that volition pay dividends for years to come.

I don’t ever job a DSLR.  I’m becoming quite a fan of iPhone-ography.  Here are or together with then of the many photograph apps on my iPhone.  Some are photographic telly camera apps together with or together with then are processing apps. 

This was a criterion iPhone photograph but using i of the apps I adjusted the pic together with then that solely Mocha’s facial expression upwards is inwards focus. 


Your assignment is to EXPERIMENT alongside your photographic telly camera settings.  Put your photographic telly camera on aperture priority.  Set it to the lowest possible setting for your lens together with shoot or together with then photos. Then, laid upwards it to the highest possible setting together with shoot or together with then more.

Examine your results together with allow me know what you lot think! 

Note:  if your shots are coming out a blurry mess, regard bumping upwards your camera’s ISO a bit.   Maybe fifty-fifty upwards to 1600 if necessary. 

I can’t hold off to take away heed how your experiments plough out! 

Thanks for stopping by!

Ed – a/k/a Traveling Husband

