We’re friends, right? Friends tin tell friends things without beingness judged. You yet alongside me?
(Somebody got a pet-i-cure straightaway afterwards this photo)
I accept to live honest. Some things I create … they don’t plough out in addition to thence great. Really. There I said it. The truth is out!
New recipes lure me inwards alongside promises of deliciousness exactly that’s non ever how it turns out for me. I totally acknowledge operator mistake on this one. I made Ree’s Restaurant Style Salsa lastly calendar week alongside hopes of following-up alongside Quesadillas. The salsa is great, nosotros actually honey it. Ree (Pioneer Woman) makes things await in addition to thence slow in addition to delicious.
Ingredients for steak Quesadillas
Oh well, plenty stalling in addition to making excuses. I made Ree’s Quesadillas in addition to replaced the shrimp alongside steak in addition to the lovely ruby-red sauce alongside enchilada sauce since that’s all I could find. I also used whole wheat tortillas inwards an seek to brand a healthier dinner. I in all probability used likewise much crude too, didn’t operate olive crude (as instructed), in addition to I failed to fully read the recipe earlier I started. Oh yeah, I burned the tortillas because the skillet was likewise hot! Needless to say, I didn’t attention for the terminal product. It was a greasy mess if you lot inquire me! Not that Ree’s was yucky similar mine, I’m certain it was good.
I cooked all the vegetables inwards 1 batch.
I should accept divided them upward in addition to thence they browned quickly.
Thinly sliced sirloin mixed alongside Enchilada sauce.
I’ll seek in 1 trial to a greater extent than exactly should stick alongside my favorite marinated grilled chicken instead of fried beef, I’ll operate really piddling oil, larger chucks of onion in addition to peppers (so I tin selection the peppers out) in addition to swallow flour tortillas. I volition also lightly grill the tortillas inwards the hot skillet in addition to non operate whatever butter. I am non fond of greasy nutrient – at all. This was a drippy, greasy mess.
Now that I accept totally turned you lot off to ever making this dish, delight banking company lucifer the link to tasty kitchen in addition to run into for yourself how it should live done. In all honesty, since I AM beingness honest here, my hubby said it had a skillful season in addition to liked it fine. He is slow to delight in addition to I wonder if he actually would tell me if it was yucky. Yeah I intend he would live honest if asked. He didn’t lay ketchup on it in addition to thence I approximate it was alright – it was non something I desire to swallow again.
I’ve gone dorsum in addition to forth hollo for myself – should I post service it, should I skip it? I finally decided that confession is skillful for the kitchen. This weekend I made yucky Quesadillas, tried roasting a whole chicken in addition to the oven died in addition to thence it was yet raw afterwards an sixty minutes in addition to a one-half of beingness warmed nether the oven lite (I’ll post service that tomorrow) in addition to my Amaretto pie could accept been a piddling sweeter, in addition to the whipped topping a piddling firmer! Oops, 1 to a greater extent than thing, the meatloaf cruel apart when sliced exactly tasted darn good. I WILL post service that one!
There! I experience in addition to thence much improve getting all that off my chest.
And … nosotros went to Sears Tuesday nighttime inwards an H2O ice tempest in addition to bought a novel stove! It’s beingness delivered Fri which is perfect since I’m off piece of job for the holiday. Holiday?
You’re looking at your calendar wondering what vacation is Jan 14th? Well inwards Virginia it’s a vacation celebrating Lee / Jackson Day – inwards laurels of General Robert E. Lee in addition to General Stonewall Jackson’s birthdays. And I idea I lived inwards the South field inwards Tennessee! And … Mon is MLK Day in addition to thence whooohoooo – 4 twenty-four hours weekend! Time to seek out the novel oven, exercise homework, laundry in addition to aid my boy deed into a novel apartment. Somewhere inwards at that spot volition live pie No. 3!
Thanks for stopping by! Tricia
Source: savingdessert.com